- News
Due to obvious reasons we had to stop our operation for the period of February – March. We have been overwhelmed with various serious issues, but today is a month since our neighbor has dirtily attacked us and we have a few announcements to make.
All the Grand employees are safe. Some of our people have joined the military, some are helping on the humanitarian front, some are taking care of themselves and the closest ones. All together, we support and help each other, and our country to live through this, continue the fight and win.
The Grand factory, its facilities, equipment and our warehouses & composition of finished products in Kharkiv, fortunately, has not been damaged and we have already started slowly resuming our production in order to fulfill our most urgent obligations. Hopefully, we will be able to make a full comeback in the nearest months and start taking in new orders.
We would also like to express our sincere and deep gratitude for all the political, financial, humanitarian and emotional support provided to us and our country. The aggressor will choke up on our cooperation in sanctions, isolation and military resistance! Push the tempo, friends!! Time to show that we are the GRAND family!!!
In the meantime as we continue our fight, we promise to not give up and keep you updated about our operation.
Stay tuned for more.
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