Single vs twin outboard RIB
With a bigger size of a rigid hull inflatable boat comes more options including the options of multiple engine installation. So if you’re thinking big you should ask yourself a question – Single or Twin engine RIB? 1x400HP outboard or 2x200HP engines? What’s better? An old question, that is mainly a matter of a personal preference, that nevertheless still has its strong and weak points. In our humble opinion twin engine inflatable boats do lose this competition and here is why:
- Twins cost 60-80% more.
- Lower performance by 10-20% approx.
- They are heavier by 70-80%.
- Fuel consumption is 20-40% higher.
- More complicated and expensive fuel system and transom area.
- They are more difficult to steer.
On the other hand, the most popular argument for twin engines installation is that it kinda makes the offshore navigation safer – if one engine will fail, you have the second one. That is true in case your RHIB boat has two separate and independent fuel systems, each one connected to a separate engine. However, in most cases of the unfortunate events a failure of one engine leads to the failure of the other one, because any serious problem with the fuel system (water, mechanical damage, etc), or the steering system, electric & control system will disengage both engines, one by one.
So we, as a 20+ years old rigid inflatable boat manufacturer, are of the opinion that a HIGH-QUALITY VHS-RADIO or a SATELLITE PHONE is a far better investment – much more reliable, effective and helpful tool in case of emergency.