Accidents & Incidents
Most incidents/accidents are usually caused by: passengers falling overboard, collisions with other boats or objects in the water, and boat damage or destruction underway. What to do in these scenarios?
Falling overboard – in case, if one of your passengers fell overboard – do not fuss and slowly turn the boat back and pick him out of the water. Remember that usually, the greatest danger for that passenger will be the running engine of your boat – approach the person in the water carefully. In case it is you(driver) and there’s nobody onboard, there is only one thing that matters – if you wore the engine emergency stop lanyard? If you did, the engine will immediately stop, the boat will slow down and you will be able to swim up to it and get back onboard. However, if you did not wear it and the engine keeps running… Well, you will need a lot of luck and a life vest on you, because in that case you will not catch up with the boat.
Deflated tube – in case, of an accident resulted to losing air and pressure inside of the inflatable tube and if it’s now deflated down to even all 50% – don’t panic, just switch the engine to neutral gear, fold the damaged part of the tube inside the boat, move around the passengers and the luggage in order to find new balance, and go to the nearest coastline SLOWLY. Every RHIB boat has enough buoyancy reserves to float perfectly even with some of the tube chambers empty.
Overthrown boat – in case, of an accident that led to the boat being overthrown – don’t panic knowing that your rigid inflatable boat is almost unsinkable. Just have your PFD on and stay with your boat until help will come. Most of the time other boaters will see you and will help you out. If you feel extra confident and it is a small RIB boat, you can try to flip it back yourself. Either way, remember – your own semi rigide is your best life-raft.