Safety equipment
Personal Flotation Devices(PFDs) – are strictly required by all the maritime laws, in all the countries, all over the world. Make sure you have one of the following types on you when you are stepping onboard: off-shore life jackets with neck support; near-shore buoyant life vests with neck support; light-weight life vests without neck support; throw-able devices such as cushions, life rings, horseshoe buoys; buoyant life saving clothes(jackets, trousers, etc.). To choose the right and legal PFD it is better to contact your local boating safety office to check for the specific requirements. And remember to ALWAYS wear a life vest because it can save your life!
Lights and signals – operating inflatable watercraft at night without proper lights is illegal and can have disastrous and unpredictable consequences. Take care after your running lights and maintain them in a good condition. Check your local navigation rules for the current regulations about the navigation signals and all necessary approvals for the navigation equipment – as they are different in different countries. Don’t forget the sound signals such as whistle, horn and visual distress signals such as distress flares, smoke flares, or even a simple electric torch – all these are recommended to have on board!
Handheld VHF radio – every boat, and RHIB boats are no exception, should have a radio. Radio stations nowadays are portable, not heavy and not so complicated in use as it seems. There’s a number of reasons to get it onboard and it can save your life in case of the worst. *Using the VHF channel No16, in case of trouble, you will be surrounded by rescuers or nearest boaters in minutes.
Fire extinguisher – a fire extinguisher (even a small one) is recommended for every boat. Its storage indeed could be a challenge for a small dinghy boat, but for a midsize and big center console RIB boats – it is absolutely necessary. Especially for the large inflatable boats with built-in fuel tanks. Even if you will never use it – you may help somebody else out as somebody else may be in desperate need of it.