Trailer for your boat
Even small inflatable boats should be transported using a trailer. Typically, it will come from your RIB boat dealer as a trailer, rigid inflatable boat and motor package. However sometimes, in case of trailer replacement away from your dealer, you may have to address your need to a third party who may not even be a marine professional. So how do you know it is a proper trailer?
Well, first you might want to check your RIB’s user manual for exact dimensions and then go to order one that would fit your boat the best, size and carrying capacity wise. But apart from that there are quite a few aspects to point out and pay attention to when you are ordering a trailer:
- The bigger contact area of the rigid hull and the trailer – the better! Have as many rollers or as bigger bolsters as possible.
- If there is such an option, always prefer bolsters over rollers – the contact area with the rollers is, obviously, much smaller than with bolsters.
- Have the rollers or bolsters fitting the shape of the hull the best way – keel line is the best contact area, as usually it is the strongest place of the rigid hull.
- Go for a heavy-duty trailer with heavy-duty springs, larger wheels and make sure it’s properly galvanized for marine use.
Additionally, here are a few tips for you, after the job is done and you have received your trailer, on how to use it, in case if you are a newbie:
- The RIB boat has to be properly inflated to feel its dimension clearly.
- Haul the boat onto the trailer using the bow eye.
- Lift the engine shaft down and fix it to the support provided on a trailer.
- Leave the self-bailer open.
- Secure the boat with straps tightly, using the bow and rear towing eyes.
- In case of a long distance carriage, cover your RHIB boat with the overall cover to protect it from abrasion or damage with dust and stones on the way.