Boat operation modes & tips
Before operating a rigid hull inflatable boat, it’s necessary to understand and distinguish two main operation modes of every boat: DISPLACEMENT MODE and PLANNING MODE.
Displacement mode – inflatable boat simply floats due to the Archimedes force as a result of water displacement. It’s an operational mode, when the boat stays still, drifts or is being steered at a very low speed. The contact area of the hull and the water is large, thus the water resistance remains strong.
Planning mode – a boat moves with the help of hydrodynamic lifting force, allowing it to reach the maximum speed. Now the RHIB already requires less power to keep that speed, because of the fewer water resistance as the contact area of the hull and the water is now much smaller compared to the displacement mode.
Note that in between the displacement and planning mode, there is a short moment when the acceleration force, usually at full throttle, lifts the bow up while simultaneously pushing the rear down. It is typical for all the planning boats, and unfortunately, could be dangerous, as during that short little moment the risk of boat overthrow is the highest. BE CAREFUL AND INCREASE SPEED GRADUALLY!
Avoid the mistake of the poor space and balance organization that additionally stimulates the overthrow effect of the watercraft – when all the carried weight (passengers and their belongings) is concentrated at the rear. REACH THE BALANCE EVENLY DISTRIBUTING THE LOAD ALONG THE BOAT!