Final check before the start
At last, everything is ready to go. Spare a moment for a final check up of your semi-rigid! It’s always better to recognize a problem on the shore than during the ride, when it can be too late. So, before you start, please make a final check and make sure of the following:
– There’s no storm warning and the weather forecast is overall positive
– Wind and waves are not too strong for you as a helmsman and your boat in general - PASSENGERS & LUGGAGE
– If anybody can not swim and for all the passengers to have a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) – life vest, on them
– All the passengers know how to operate a RHIB boat in general, and at least one of them must be able to do it well
– Everybody has appropriate clothes for boating, which corresponds with the current weather conditions, as it is always colder on the water than on the coast
– The luggage does not impede anybody from moving around the cockpit, it is stored and secured inside a dry compartment or if necessary, protected with the cover against water sprays and rain - THE BOAT:
– The pressure inside the inflatable tube is nominal, and all the valves are closed with caps tight
– There are no defects/damages on your boat, especially in the transom area
– You have the oars (paddles), an inflation pump and a repair kit with you - THE ENGINE
– Engine clamps are tightened and the engine is attached to the transom with the safety lanyard
– You have at least two ENGINE STOP SWITCH LANYARDS with you – the main and a spare one
– The engine is served, inspected and ready to go - FUEL
– Fuel and oil tanks are full. *ATTENTION! In case of a distant trip, the amount of the fuel you take with you should be enough for a double distance – to the place of destination and to turn back in case of emergency. Stock up extra canisters with you in case of the not enough volume of the main tank.
– All the fuel tanks you have are firmly fixed and secured in the cockpit
– Fuel tanks, fuel lines, fuel pump and connectors are in good condition without ANY FUEL LEAKS - DOCUMENTS
– You have your boating license and boat documents on you
– You have a marine map of your boating area (if necessary).